Heather Roy, General Secretary of Eurodiaconia, addressed attendees at the Diaconi Leader Forum's annual conference November 1 in Oslo.

Heather Roy from Eurodiaconia Lifted Sustainability at Diaconia Leader Forum

"Our challenge is to open our horizons and also take note from what has been done elsewhere. We can learn from the rest of the world."

This quote was shared by Heather Roy, General Secretary of Eurodiaconia, at Diaconia Leader Forum's annual conference November 1 in Oslo. The conference focused on critical issues related to the green shift and social sustainability. Roy brought a wealth of expertise to these areas.

Roy, an expert in diaconia and social work throughout Europe, has led Eurodiaconia for nearly 15 years. The organization is a network of churches and Christian non-governmental organizations, or NGO’s, providing social and health care services and advocating for social justice.

The Diaconia Leader Forum is a network of 19 organizations for diaconal leaders working in social services and diaconia in Norway. The group promotes diaconal work and social justice through collaboration and knowledge sharing and was pleased to welcome Roy as keynote.

Supporting a Green Shift with a Focus on Social Sustainability

Roy shared her insights into how diaconal organizations and groups such as Diaconia Leader Forum can play a crucial role in addressing climate challenges and social inequalities. She emphasized the interconnection between the green shift and social sustainability and how diaconia is a powerful agent for change.

One of the biggest challenges to the green shift that Roy brought forth is the concept of social injustice. Economic development is still the driver of most change and not all Europe countries are progressing at the same speed with some countries playing catch up. Some demographics, like industrial workers, could become a “forgotten” part of society without proper reskilling or upskilling because of the green shift.

Roy emphasized the interconnection between the green shift and social sustainability and how diaconia is a powerful agent for change.

Eurodiaconia’s goal is to find ways to address such challenges and help organizations find new ways of delivering services. Roy discussed various approaches to promoting sustainable practices within diaconal organizations around Europe with a goal to inspire attendees.

"We must focus on bringing social needs and environmental needs into balance in our pursuit of a more sustainable future. They should reinforce each other, not compete for resources," said Roy. "The green shift is a challenge that affects absolutely all aspects of society, and it is crucial that we work together to address all populations."

Partnerships and Collaboration Strengthen Priorities

Roy also spoke on the value and roles of the network in Eurodiaconia. She provided attendees with insights into how diaconal organizations can collaborate and create synergy. "Organizations in the network can build upon their strengths through shared resources in social innovation, advocacy and policy development," added Roy.

Ingunn Moser, CEO of Diakonhjemmet and leader of the Diaconia Leader Forum, reflected on how engagement in the network benefits organizations. "Diaconia is advanced when we learn, share and grow collectively. We are stronger when we stand together," added Moser.

"In this way we also live and practice our diaconal values. We need to look beyond our own Norwegian borders and take responsibility as part of a European and international community, and as members of civil society who are being threatened many places these days. In this global world we all need friends and allies that Eurodiaconia’s family of networks represents," Moser commented further.

Ingunn Moser, CEO of Diakonhjemmet and leader of the Diaconi Leader Forum, spoke about the value of collaboration with other diaconal organizations

A Passion for Advocating

Roy says her dedication to a sustainable future and desire for inclusion for the most vulnerable in society are motivated by her faith and hope for the future. “We see all around us there is need. We need to have our eyes open as to how we can fulfill these needs with a social perspective,” stated Roy.

Roy will be returning to Norway as a keynote speaker at Diakonhjemmets annual conference April 24, 2024 in Oslo. The theme, “Green Diaconia - How do Environmental Challenges and Social Justice Work Together?” will reflect on the topic of green diaconia through lectures and conversations.

Roy said she is excited to speak with those representing diaconal organizations, churches and other sectors concerned with social justice in Norway. "I think organizations in Norway are taking some progressive steps. I look forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with attendees who are delivery services every day."

Engaging with a Global Audience

English speakers can now find information about Diakonhjemmets services, values and mission in English on our web site. By offering key information in English, Diakonhjemmet is better equipped to engage with a global audience.

Roy will speak at Diakonhjemmets annual conference, Diakoniens dag, on April 24, 2024 in Oslo. She will focus on the conference theme “How do Environmental Advocacy and Social Justice Work Together” through an international perspective. Learn more about the conference here.